Diabetes Care Lifestyle

10 Ways To Lower Blood Sugar Level Naturally

To control any chronic disease, an array of factors need to be worked on. In the case of diabetes, a blend of dietary changes, lifestyle changes and everyday habits allow the disease to go into remission. Remission here refers to achieving and maintaining a healthy A1C level – a measure of blood sugar level over the past 90 days. A 5.7% A1C level (HbA1c) is considered normal, however, for people with diabetes, a goal of 7% is commonly observed. In this article, we shall review some natural ways and means to tone down the blood glucose level and mitigate the risk of diabetes on a person’s daily health.  

Opting For Foods With Lower Glycemic Index: Glycemic index (GI) is essentially a measure of a food product’s effect on the blood sugar level. Foods with a lower GI are absorbed rather slowly and do not cause a dramatic spike in blood glucose level. Kidney beans, lentils and non-starchy vegetables are a few examples of foods with a low glycemic index that can help you manage your blood sugar levels. 

Controlling Carbohydrate Consumption: Our digestive system breaks down both simple and complex carbohydrates into sugar, primarily glucose. This sugar is then taken up into the bloodstream, this is where insulin comes into play. Insulin absorbs sugar for energy or storage purposes. In the case of diabetes, this process fails and causes a spike in blood sugar levels. Low carbohydrate consumption aids in keeping sugar levels in check and helps manage diabetes better.

Including Fenugreek Seed In The Diet: Fenugreek seeds are said to be a great source of soluble fibre which are known to manage blood sugar levels. Several studies have found fenugreek seeds to be beneficial for diabetes patients. Some studies have also seen that the consumption of fenugreek seeds can help reduce fasting glucose and improve glucose tolerance in the body. 

Managing Stress Levels: Stress plays an active role in hyperglycemia. It triggers the release of hormones glucagon which causes a significant rise in blood glucose levels. Regular workout and meditation were observed to be efficient techniques in managing insulin secretion by several studies. Brisk walks can be a good starting point for exercise. Yoga therapy is also useful in attaining a healthy glycemic level.

Increasing Fiber Intake: Fibers tend to slow down the absorption of sugar from food thus preventing sugar spikes. Whole grain cereals, high fibre fruits such as pears and apples, along with a good amount of legumes can be included in the daily diet to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Staying Hydrated: Opting for water instead of sodas or drinks that contain added sugar is always a better and healthier option, especially if someone’s diabetic. Water not only keeps dehydration at bay, which occurs as a result of the high sugar level, but also enables kidneys to flush out excess sugar via urine. 

Implementing A Balanced Meal Plan And Portion Control: A well-balanced meal plan should ideally be half plate of non-starchy vegetables, this can include vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes or cabbage. One quarter should be lean proteins such as meat for non-vegetarians and beans for vegetarians. The last quarter can consist of carbohydrates such as rice, or even potatoes. If one needs a drink, choose water or any other unsweetened beverage. Along with this, understanding roughly the amount of macronutrients in an average portion of food helps keep a track of carbohydrates being consumed. It is recommended for a diabetes patient to consult their dietitian or doctor before making any dietary changes.  

Maintaining Circadian Rhythm: Erratic sleep cycles disrupt the body’s biological clock and make the cells more resistant to insulin. Sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on the release of growth hormones and increase the levels of cortisol, both of which can play an important role in blood sugar management. Therefore, any disturbance in the two processes can have a negative impact on blood sugar levels. This makes getting enough sleep and rest essential when managing diabetes. 

Taking Timely Medication: Taking timely medication is extremely crucial in managing blood sugar levels as the medicines are formulated to control the blood sugar levels and ensure the good health of the patient.

Maintain A Moderate Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight is, in general, a healthy thing to do as excess weight often gives rise to several health issues. Weight management becomes extremely crucial in the case of diabetics as maintaining a moderate weight promotes healthy blood sugar levels and reduce the risks of developing diabetes in the first place. 

When it comes to managing diabetes, only one method is never sufficient. A blend of lifestyles changes, dietary changes, sticking to a fixed schedule and more. Some effective ways of keeping blood sugar levels under control include consuming low GI foods, controlling carbohydrate intake, including fenugreek seeds, managing stress levels, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, taking medications regularly, managing stress, getting enough rest, staying hydrated and including fibre-rich foods in the diet.

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