
The Best Books To Inspire Anyone With Diabetes

Whether you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes, have been living with the condition for years, or have a loved one who suffers from diabetes, your first step should be to learn more about diabetes. Books on diabetes mellitus can give you a vast amount of information, often more reliable than some online sources. You can also find a variety of diabetes books, focusing on different areas or approaches to diabetes control, as well as the experiences of doctors and patients. Here are some of the best books for prediabetes and diabetes management that should be part of your essential reading list.  

The Best Books On Diabetes That You Should Read

Mayo Clinic: The Essential Diabetes Book: How To Prevent, Manage And Live Well With Diabetes – By Castro, M. R

This is the perfect guide to diabetes for patients and caregivers alike, providing comprehensive information on every aspect of the disease. With simple and well-structured chapters, the book makes for easy but informative reading, delving into one subject at a time. It starts with how diabetes develops and moves on to more specific chapters such as on monitoring blood sugar, weight loss, healthy eating, and lots more. 

The Pocket Carbohydrate Counter Guide for Diabetes: Simple Nutritional Strategies to Lower Your Blood Sugar – By Shelby Kinnaird

This is one of the most helpful books on diabetes control that you can find, whether you’re newly diagnosed or have been battling diabetes for years. The book makes it much easier for you to track and manage carb intake, gives you a variety of nutritional strategies, and offers plenty of helpful advice on smart snacking, and more. If you’re serious about eating healthy to prevent or control diabetes, this should be your go-to book. 

Diabetes & Keeping Fit For Dummies – By Sheri R. Colberg & the American Diabetes Association

This is another one of those essential books on diabetes mellitus and it couldn’t be more highly recommended. The book contains all the information you need to get started with a diabetes exercise plan, how to stay the course, and how to make regular exercise a priority. Unlike many other fitness books, this is a good read for anyone, even those with sedentary lifestyles. It’s a book that doesn’t just guide, but will also inspire you to start exercising. 

Sweet Invisible Body: Reflections on a Life With Diabetes – By Lisa Roney

This is one of the best motivational and inspirational books for anyone with diabetes, but it is also important reading for friends and family members. The author was diagnosed with diabetes before she turned twelve and this memoir details her struggle and frustrations with how it changed her life. She lived through periods of denial and anger, avoided health checks, struggled with insensitive friends and family members, but finally got a grip on diabetes. Her experiences are heartbreakingly relatable and deeply inspirational. 

Showdown With Diabetes – By Deb Butterfield

Showdown With Diabetes is a memoir about Deb’s experience with diabetes and how she finally overcame the condition. This may not be one of the best motivational and inspirational books in the traditional sense, but it can be inspiring and informative with its perspective. Deb provides an account of her successful pancreas transplant that helped to cure diabetes. Unsurprisingly, she also expresses anger over the conventional wisdom that diabetes cannot be cured but must be managed. Keep in mind that a pancreas transplant can only cure type 1 diabetes and is also a high-risk surgery. 

While these five books on diabetes should be on everyone’s reading list, they are not the only motivational and inspirational books that you can read. Some other noteworthy mentions include Diabetes Burnout by Ginger Vieira, Think Like a Pancreas: A Practical Guide to Managing Diabetes with Insulin by Gary Scheiner, and Cheating Destiny: Living With Diabetes, America’s Biggest Epidemic by James Hirsch.